Digital Library

We Believe in the the Power of People 

Seek Inspiration - Release your Potential

This is where you go beyond just work to explore wide-ranging strategies to bolster your well-being, advance your career or take your business to the next level.  If you are a knowledge-seeker you  ask bigger questions, seek deeper truths, strive for growth, and flourish finding something  that reminds you who you are at your best or causes your heart to flutter with excitement. 
Seek Inspiration - Release your Potential Strategies for Working Smarter, Boositng Brain Power,  plus many more 

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Invest in your Future with Self-Directed Learning

The library consists of quick-read articles and comprehensive resources. Delve into subjects such as productivity, guiding your enterprise forward, working smart, communicating authentically, cultivating trust and credibility, establishing new habits, solving problems, thinking innovatively, managing your day, or achieving confident leadership. 

New material frequently added. 
Long-form resources are highlighted in the Coffee Break Bites

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We Celebrate your Journey of Lifelong Learning

We ask you to learn well, not fast. Learning takes time; time is a rare asset, which provokes people to sprint through a set of tasks, trying to jump from beginner to expert. Reading for insight is vastly different than learning measureable skills. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-directed learning. Yet, all methods stress the value of devoting time to achieve experiential insight and mastering the finer details to confidently move toward competency.

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Coffee Break

Small Bites - Big Impact

Get En​​ergized on Coffee Break

The Coffee Break Collection consists of quick-reads articles. Several highlight the key elements of in-depth long-form resources. Use the concepts and strategies for inspiration. When you find something interesting or helpful, access to supplemental articles and self-study long-form resources are just a click away.

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Featured from the Coffee Break Inspiration Collection

Your Mindful Brain versus your Auto-Pilot Brain

It’s estimated over 90% of our behavior runs on autopilot. The mindful brain knows what is best for you. The autopilot brain does not.  It relies on short-cuts that eventually deaden your willpower and decision making ability. When you operate on autopilot for so long that you  do not have mindful awareness of your own impulses and reactions. You are no longer in executive control.  

  Awaken your Mindful Brain   
Expand your Discovery Network to Improve Idea Generation 

As an entrepreneur you should assess whether you are sourcing enough good ideas from outside your immediate think group. Ideas are like building-blocks and the more you have of them, the greater the chance of finding innovative ways to combine them into something new. That might mean getting ideas from people who are not similar to you, who possess knowledge you do not have.

  be more Discovery-Driven   
Attach Meaning to Positive Emotions through Word Choice

Words that distinguish positive emotions have the power to energize, illuminate, brighten, excite, heal and soothe us. Our  language improves brain function.  Positive words and thoughts propel the motivational centers of the brain into action and help us savour positive experiences, build resilience. Anything with this much meaningful power deserve attention.

    558 Positive Words   
Self-Care is a Daily Necessity

Many people view self-care as something you do for emergency maintenance like taking a day off or visiting a doctor. Some view self-care as an unnecessary indulgence or treat rather than a priority. An annual visit to a day spa is not adequate self-care.  Self-care is absolutely  100% about the things you do on a daily basis to make yourself happy, to refresh and renew your spirit and take care of your mind and body. 

  Assess your self-care needs  
Burn-Out Sneaks up on Your

While working one additional hour to move a given project forward is likely not debilitating when viewed in a vacuum, it can trigger a revised baseline where you must continue to overwork in order to maintain some new status quo. Working long hours becomes a habit. It could lead to burnout. Burnout is real. It sneaks up on you. It is crucial for your mental health that you draw lines between your professional and personal time. 

  4 tips to avoid burn-out 
Use your Senses as a Rescue Tool

Think back to the last time you were stressed out.  Your muscles tightened; your hands and jaw clenched; your breathing became shallow; your heart pumped faster.  When you need something immediate to manage stress during high pressure situations or in the heat of the moment, one of the fastest ways to relieve stress is to use your senses as a rescue tool.  Your rescue tool will always be reliable and handy.

  Bring your senses to the rescue   
Change your View of Pain and Suffering

There is no event or situation we cannot handle as long as we learn not to react by continuous suffering through toxic inner commentary. We refer to the pain of change or hardship such as the betrayal of a friend, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. Those experiences can be challenging and difficult for sure. But, they are manageable when we learn to differentiate what suffering looks like and differentiate it from pain.  

 How do you understand Pain  
Key Elements of Effective Communication with New Clients

Even if you are a veteran in your field of expertise and a gifted speaker, before you go into a meeting with a prospective client, you should be properly prepared to make the best impression, have an effective exchange of information, and engage in meaningful and comfortable negotiations.  Not  every client is the same.   Their needs and personalities vary and so do their motivations, questions, concerns, and objections.

   Learn 9 key elements  
Why we Love the Swing as a Metaphor for Life 

We love metaphors a lot.  We need them to make sense of our lives.   Serious, insightful, surprising - metaphors  paint pictures that get us through many challenging human experiences.  The swing is fun for sure, yet it is one those metaphors that can vividly connect to the fundamental truths in life as well as leadership, entrepreneurship, staying motivated, and mental health. Come explore the swing.

 Get Sidetracked by a Swing